About Me

Prepare yourself as I love to talk about projects, even if it's about your own project. Especially if its programming related or open source.

Something new I'm excited about is getting back onto the trail now that its safe to be outdoors with proper precaution.

On a company outing or food bar, if there is a salad bar you can direct me to. You'll be considered a friend most definitely. Although I do love all other kinds of foods, I'm ever so appreciative of being offered a healthier option. I get pressured enough by family to try burritos, tacos, and pastas. 😊

United States

Why me?

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard-working person. I make it a priority to be an avid team worker and adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team environment and taking initiative. I have an active and dynamic approach to work which help in identifying and develop opportunities.


JCP (Etsy clone)

  • React / Redux
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • PostgreSQL
  • Applied Ruby on Rails utilizing Users, Products, CartItems, and other ActiveRecord models and controllers to properly store into and query database to pass relevant data to frontend
  • Utilized redux design pattern to reduce the number of read operations required to obtain from requests by caching frequently, recommended, and featured content
  • Incorporated ajax to make API calls over HTTP, pass relevant data from backend through json jbuilder and render to products on frontend
  • Optimized database read features by batch reading and query filtering

Quickly Healthy

  • React / Redux
  • MongoDB
  • jQuery
  • Express
  • Created and connected a database from MongoDB for all relevant user and doctor information
  • Utilized MongoDB’s embedded document design pattern, to reduce the number of read operations required to obtain user/doctor data by storing the appointments directly on the document
  • Incorporated ajax to make API calls over HTTP, pass relevant data from backend through json jbuilder and render to products on frontend
  • Optimized caching of user/doctor data by utilizing the Redux lifecycle to store data in a state

The Cards

  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Built a deck using a standard 52 deck, randomly selected, then instructing a user to repopulate the foundations
  • Implemented dynamic styling of cards to make game visually stunning with cutting edge color compliments
  • Utilized Javascript to build and style containers for all cards, boards, and event actions

Food Friend

  • Java / Android
  • GCP
  • Firebase
  • SQLite
  • Created a Java Android application to make recommendations for local eateries
  • Implemented with the Google map API as a navigational guide using markers
  • Designed the rating system which collects streamed data into Firebase from swipe gestures
  • Directed story boards for login, navigation, and swipe functionality
  • Predict choices with decision trees (supervised) and cluster models (unsupervised)

Magic The Gathering

  • C#
  • WPF
  • XAML
  • Storyboard
  • Collects and displays data in the console about color/mana cost/number of cards
  • Cached API data using SQLite3 to help order and create a deck
  • Coded the storyboard in C# to display a simulation of the game rendered as a WPF using XAML

Computer Vision

  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Given a set of images of objects, as ‘scans’ from two cameras, developed a prototype to recover the 3D images
  • Utilized redux design pattern to reduce the number of read operations required to obtain from requests by caching frequently, recommended, and featured content
  • Calibrated camera and triangulated image plots to recover correspondence point locations in 3D space


  • Python
  • API
  • PyPi
  • Requests
  • Published an open source Nitrado SDK for the Nitrado RESTful API to PyPI
  • Created the client to access servers and gameservers
  • Starts, stops, and restarts servers manually or by creating a task
  • Downloads log histories

ArkMageddon (Current)

  • Python
  • OpenCV
  • Tesseract OCR
  • React / Redux
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • MySQL
  • Created scripts to gather continuous data from player interactions and statistics, then be fetched from MySQL
  • Analyzed data into actionable insights to create an immersive gameplay resulting in a 20% retention increase
  • Created the first ever driver for this action adventure to be executed in the Microsoft platform
  • Organized content creators and enthusiasts by creating a self sustaining community


ActivePDF, Internship

  • Evaluated concepts in software operation to meet functionality reported through version control systems
  • Perform root-cause analysis and preliminary problem diagnosis of defects and track from discovery to resolution
  • Developed penetration testing to find scripting vulnerabilities by code injection in Python and C#
  • Identified scalability and capacity bottlenecks in parallel processing

KnowNow, Lead & Mentor

  • Organized a group of 14 undergrad developers to design a navigation application for cancer patients
  • Introduced best practices that enhanced product production and versatility
  • Automated package installers for rapid application development and management
  • Collected, cleaned, and evaluated patient data to construct meaning and assign relevancy of patient cohorts
  • Disassembled queries and forum text to its 8 parts of speech and lemmatized each word to their root meaning
  • Created an inverted index for relevancy rating and displayed the results within a graphical database
  • Documented weekly meetings and coached team members the Scrum process to perform at their highest